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Welcome to Landry Psychology
New client or seeing a new therapist? Click here!
Setting up joint accounts for couples, children’s or family sessions? Learn more here!
Our dedicated administrative team work a hybrid schedule. Please note that as of June 2024 we will have an office administrator available in-office Tues, Thurs and Fri from 10am- 4pm.. All inquiries outside these times will be responded to by our remote admin team. If you would like us to return a call, please leave us a voicemail as we are unable to call you without your permission in order to protect your confidentiality. You can anticipate our prompt response to calls and emails within 24-48 hours.
For urgent and general inquiries email, or via phone/text at (780)708-7335
What’s New at Landry:
Sarah is now a Registered Provisional Psychologist. She works primarily with families, couples, adults and children ages 10+.
Josh is now a Registered Provisional Psychologist. He works primarily with teenagers, adults and first responders
Registered Provisional Psychologist and Sex Therapist Lyvia. . She primarily enjoys working with adults, couples, groups and LGBTQIA+
The following therapists are not accepting new clients at this time
Until further notice: - Rebecca
Welcome to our online booking site
First Visit/Intake Session
Please select this session if you have never been to our office before OR if you are seeing a new therapist at our office for the first time. If you're new to therapy and would like some guidance we offer No-Fee Consultations with one of our Student Therapists or Mental Health Therapists where you can discuss your options.
Please note that this is a request for an appointment. You will receive a separate email confirming your appointment and our consent forms prior to the appointment time.
No-Fee Consultations
Not sure what kind of therapy you need or which therapist is right for you?
Request a free 20-minute consultation with one of our therapists who can assess to see if they are best suited to meet your needs. Our Mental Health therapists also offer low cost options if you would like to continue seeing them. This service is available virtually or by phone.
Counselling Psychology (Adult)
Book an in-person or virtual therapy session tailored to your individual needs.
Counselling Psychology (Minor)
Book an in-person or virtual therapy session for a minor tailored to their individual needs. Minors require a unique profile set up that links the parent's individual profiles to theirs. Here's a link that helps you set up your family profile
Couples Counselling Session
Book an in-person or virtual couples therapy session tailored to your individual and relationship needs. Couples require a joint profile that is linked to each partner's individual profiles. Here's a link that helps you set up your family profile
Family Counselling
Book an in-person or virtual family therapy session tailored to your family's individual and relationship needs. Families require a joint profile (eg. Smith family) that is linked to each family member's individual profiles. Here's a link that helps you set up your family profile
ADHD Assessment (Adult/Children)
We are proud to offer neuropsychological assessments for ADHD at a rate accessible to more members of our community.
Federal Programs/Organizations and Other
Landry Psychology proudly partners with various organizations and federal programs which require specific billing and payment procedures. If your coverage is through the federal government (VAC, RCMP, NIHB etc...) please ensure you have all the required forms, approvals/permissions and billing arrangements completed PRIOR to your first session.
If your therapy coverage is through a motor vehicle accident (MVA) claim billing and payment arrangements must be maid PRIOR to your first session. Clients may also pay upfront and submit themselves.
All necessary documents and billing arrangements can be emailed to
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to view available appointment times

Need Help? 780 708 7335